AllThingsDev’s Local Business Data API: The Ultimate Guide

Unlock the Power of Local Business Data with AllThingsDev’s Comprehensive API

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having access to accurate and up-to-date local business information is crucial for developers, marketers, and businesses alike. Whether you’re building a new app, enhancing your website, or conducting market research, the Local Business Data API from AllThingsDev Marketplace is your go-to solution. This powerful API provides fast, reliable, and comprehensive access to local business and point-of-interest (POI) information from Google Maps and the web in real-time.

Why Choose the Local Business Data API from AllThingsDev?

The Local Business Data API from AllThingsDev stands out for its versatility and robustness. Here are some key features that make it an indispensable tool for your projects:

  • Real-Time Data Access: Get the most current business information directly from Google Maps and other web sources.
  • Multiple Search Options: Perform default Google Maps searches, nearby searches, and searches within specific areas.
  • Comprehensive Business Details: Fetch business emails and social profile links from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
  • Extensive Category Support: Access data across all 4000+ Google My Business categories.

Explore the API Endpoints from AllThingsDev

The Local Business Data API from AllThingsDev offers a variety of endpoints to cater to different needs. Here’s a detailed look at each one:

  1. Search
    • Endpoint: GET /search
    • Description: Search local businesses on Google Maps. This is the main/default search option.
  2. Search In Area
    • Endpoint: GET /search-in-area
    • Description: Search businesses in a specific geographic area defined by a center coordinate point and zoom level. This mimics the “Search this area” feature on Google Maps.
  3. Search Nearby
    • Endpoint: GET /search-nearby
    • Description: Search businesses near specific geographic coordinates. This is similar to the “Search nearby” feature on Google Maps.
  4. Business Details
    • Endpoint: GET /business-details
    • Description: Get full business details, including emails and social contacts. Supports batching of up to 20 Business IDs.
  5. Business Reviews
    • Endpoint: GET /business-reviews
    • Description: Retrieve all or paginate business reviews by Business ID with support for limit and offset-based pagination.
  6. Business Photos
    • Endpoint: GET /business-photos
    • Description: Get business photos by Business ID with support for limit and cursor-based pagination.
  7. Business Photo Details
    • Endpoint: GET /photo-details
    • Description: Get extra details about a business photo, such as caption, owner name, and avatar. Supports batching of up to 20 Photo IDs.
  8. Business Posts
    • Endpoint: GET /business-posts
    • Description: Retrieve all or paginate Business Owner Posts by Business ID, sorted chronologically. Supports limit and cursor-based pagination.
  9. Bulk Search
    • Endpoint: POST /search
    • Description: Perform bulk searches on Google Maps with support for batching up to 20 queries in a single request.
  10. Autocomplete
    • Endpoint: GET /autocomplete
    • Description: Returns place/address, business, and query predictions for text-based geographic queries.

Rate Limiting and Handling Limits

To ensure fair usage and optimal performance, each subscription plan of the API defines the maximum number of requests permitted per month (quota) and a rate limit expressed in Requests Per Second (RPS). All API responses include rate limit information in the following headers:

  • x-ratelimit-requests-limit: The number of requests your plan allows before incurring overages.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-remaining: The number of requests remaining before reaching your plan’s limit.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-reset: The number of seconds until the quota resets.

When hitting the rate limits, the AllThingsDev API gateway will return a 429 Too Many Requests error. To avoid this, monitor your usage and adjust your plan as needed.

Getting Started with the  Local Business Data API on AllThingsDev

Getting started with the Local Business Data API on AllThingsDev is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit the API Marketplace: Go to the Local Business Data API page on AllThingsDev.
  2. Sign Up on AllThingsDev: If you haven’t already, create an account on AllThingsDev, the leading marketplace for APIs.
  3. Subscribe to the API: Choose a subscription plan that fits your needs. AllThingsDev offers various plans to cater to different usage levels and requirements.
  4. Pricing Plans: Choose the right plan that matches the scale you need for your application:
    • Basic: $0/month, includes 50 requests/month for each endpoint with a rate limit of 1000/hours.
    • Pro: $25/month, includes 5000 requests/month for each endpoint with a rate limit of 5/seconds.
    • Ultra: $75/month, includes 20000 requests/month for each endpoint with a rate limit of 8/seconds.
    • Mega: $150/month, includes 50000 requests/month for each endpoint with a rate limit of 10/seconds.
  5. End point testing: Once you’ve configured the pricing plan, you can proceed to test the endpoint. The results will be displayed in the ‘Result’ section on the right. You can also copy the code from the ‘Code Snippet’ section for use in your projects.

Getting Started with AllThingsDev’s Local Business Data API

Ready to integrate AllThingsDev Local Business Data API into your project? Getting started is easy. Visit our API documentation to access all the information you need. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up your API key to making your first API call. With our detailed documentation, you’ll have everything you need to implement accurate and up-to-date local business data in your applications.


The Local Business Data API from AllThingsDev Marketplace is a powerful tool that provides fast, reliable, and comprehensive access to local business information. With its extensive features, multiple search options, and support for various business categories, it is an essential resource for developers, marketers, and businesses looking to leverage local business data. Explore the API today and unlock new possibilities for your projects.